
These are entities with which we work as allies, or operators who implement our projects, and help us promote the creation of capabilities, create well-being, and promote sustainable development in various Latin American communities. In addition, organizations or individuals who take part in our programs as beneficiaries of the social investment. Other organizations that promote development, have the profile for possibly working together in the future, or with which we would like to create cooperation networks. Finally, the community, or general public, that benefits from the development initiatives created by the company.

This group of stakeholders consists of the following subgroups:

Entities with which we work: organizations with which we work or who implement our projects, and help us promote the creation of capabilities, create well-being, and promote sustainable development in various Latin American communities.

  • Allies and partners.
  • Operators.

Organizations or individuals who take part in our programs: organizations or individuals who benefit from the social investment programs.

  • Social and cultural organizations.
  • Cultural entrepreneurs.
  • Education institutions (includes public schools).

Other organizations that promote development: Organizations which might have the profile for working together in the future, or with which we would like to create cooperation networks, either through knowledge, or management, for social development issues.

Objective of the relationship

Objectives of the relationship for each subgroup:

Entities with which we work:

  • Promote development and quality of life in the territories where we are present, by participating in social projects.
  • Position Grupo SURA as a relevant actor for building knowledge, developing society, and improving people’s well-being.


 Organizations or individuals who take part in our programs:

  • Promote development and quality of life in the territories where we are present, by participating in social projects.
  • Position Grupo SURA as a relevant actor for building knowledge, developing society, and improving people’s well-being.


Other organizations that promote development:

  • Promote development and quality of life in the territories where we are present, by participating in social projects.
  • Position Grupo SURA as a relevant actor for building knowledge, developing society, and improving people’s well-being.

Investor Kit Q324

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